Ever wonder why successful businesses are able to do so well? Their high quality services? Or perhaps their excellent customer service? Or maybe even the products they supply? The answer to all of those is obviously yes, but also the business’ website is what helps them the most.
Your website is the doorway to your business they say. If you don’t have a website then you are losing plenty of customers who can’t look up your services, or maybe you do have a website but it doesn’t have a great design, layout or SEO. Your website is your customers’ portal to everything your business is about, from product ordering to customer service these are all important things that your customers need quick and easy access to otherwise you lose potential customers. Or perhaps your website isn’t showing up very high in the google search due to poor SEO optimization.

There are many reasons as to why a website performs poorly, the biggest one being how well optimized your website is. It is recommended to ensure your website loads in 2 seconds or less any more than that and you risk losing customers. Another reason is if your website is outdated, no customer wants to deal with interfaces that haven’t been used in years. Also because we are in the modern age most of your customers will be accessing your website via a mobile device of some kind, so ensuring that your website is optimized for mobile devices is a must in this modern era otherwise customers will become frustrated while they navigate your website.

The first thing potential customers see when they find your business on google is your website, hence why it’s called the doorway to your business so the last thing you want is for it to be a bad first impression due to bad layout etc. This is why it is important to hire professionals who can design clean and optimized layouts. They will also ensure that your SEO is as good as can be to ensure your website ranks high in google. Check out my SEO blog post (here) it’s made for WordPress but it’s tips will also work for your website.
Your website is more important than one would think, an efficient website can bring in plenty of potential customers. If you want to see what is potentially wrong with your website or even if you simply just want to improve your website more then you can always contact me and I could do a review to find any potential improvements that can be made. Also be sure to peek at (this) if you want more insight into my experience in the field of web design.