The Copilot is an AI-driven code completion companion that makes it easy to find the right code for your project, and even provides suggestions on how to improve your code.

The Copilot is an AI-driven code completion companion that makes it easy to find the right code for your project, and even provides suggestions on how to improve your code.
Nuxt has its own set of strengths that will make your app stand out from the crowd. Let’s look at why it’s the clear winner.
While Apache has served me well over the years, I decided to make the switch to Nginx recently, and I’m glad I did!
Been a crazy eventful few year growing as a developer and helping at a startup. Viewnary, Inc. has been a great learning experience for me and them as well.
In 2022 I have fully moved to the Apple eco system. Which was one of the biggest changes of my life.
Many of you may know of tools such as VMware workstation and VirtualBox. But did you know that Windows 10 has a free (must have Pro or higher) virtual machine tool built right in?
There are a lot of diffs with both OSes, but I have to say they are good. Windows 10 with WSL helped developers all over the world.
NVM is useful for the developer as it allows you to run both the LTS and latest node but be able to switch from either or depending on the project.